Sunday, 22 March 2009

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

As a kid I always wanted a dog, but now I have two cats instead. I have always heard the saying that you are either a dog person OR a cat person, but I can vouch for that that is not correct, as I am both.

I would love to have a dog, and do things together with it, like learning agility for instance. On the other hand, caring for a dog is like having a child in the house - they are so dependent upon you. Cats on the other hand are like other adults - even though they share your living quarters, they sort of lead their own lives. That is why it works out better for me, right now, having cats, as they can take care of themselves better than a dog would.

So I would love to have a dog - if I had enough time to care for it well. But in the meantime I really enjoy the company of my cats (even when their stubborness sometimes drives me nuts!)

So you CAN be both a dog and a cat person - so there...

BTW - the dogs portrayed here are of my absolute favourite breed: the border collie... So cute, and the smartest of them all!

/Kris C.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Commercial touch

Another fun project from the college course in post-production I'm currently taking: putting together a "commercial" using Adobe After Effects.

We used Adobe After Effects for both editing and effects, but realised Premiere Pro is much better for editing. But I suppose it is good to know you can still do all the post-production in AE if you set your mind to it...

The task was to put together a commercial for a health care centre, based on given footage: min 30 seconds, max 1 minute long, and it should include animated and motion tracked text.

We were particularly pleased that the words "hold on" in the song matched the images of the comforting hands so well. But frankly, it was pure luck... ;-)

We did miss, however, making a nice fade-out of the soundtrack, it is too abrupt now. Oh well, next time...